
HFB Client ID Verification

HFB requires client identity verification before delivering Tax and BAS services, adhering to TPB, ATO regulations, and industry best practices.

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As a Tax and BAS Agent in complying with the mandatory requirements of the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) and Australian Taxation Office (ATO) (Practice Note TPB(PN) 5/2022), as well as best practice, HFB requires verification of client identities prior to providing any Tax and BAS services.

Proof of identity checks apply on engagement with all new clients and new authorised representatives of existing clients. Identity verification involves confirmation of:

  • Identity of our clients and Individuals with authority to instruct on their behalf; and
  • The authority of individuals to instruct HFB on behalf of a client.

Identity verification checks reduce the risk of identity theft and fraudulent activity for clients and tax agents alike and are particularly relevant in the field of tax where sensitive personal information is integral to the client services provided.

Client ID Verification Process at HFB

In undertaking the required identity verification process our HFB team works directly with all new and existing client contacts to gain appropriate access to relevant authentication in the least intrusive way possible. We aim to conduct the required activities as efficiently as possible while ensuring that our client’s personal information is managed carefully.

With this in mind, HFB has introduced a digital identity verification process through a secured sharing platform. Using a secured sharing platform means, you can upload your personal information to us safely.

HFB will still continue to accommodate clients and their contacts who do not wish to undertake proof of identity checks digitally. Clients are able to undertake proof of identity checks with their HFB contact manually (visual sighting of identification documentation) if this is preferred. We request that you do not provide us with copies of any identification documents electronically via email.

Should you have any questions, please reach out to the HFB team on 07 3286 1322.

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