
HR on a shoestring budget / 25 hacks and tips

In the ever-evolving world of work, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) often face the challenge of managing their human resources effectively on a limited budget.

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Author: Claire Harrison | Managing Director | Harrisons

With the right strategies, even the smallest businesses can attract, retain, and develop top talent without breaking the bank. Here, we present 25 hacks and tips for HR on a shoestring budget, structured around the 6-part Best Workplace Method framework from Claire Harrison‘s book The CEO Secret Guide to Managing and Motivating Employees. Let’s dive in!

Leadership and Vision

Hack 1: Clear Vision

Establish and communicate a clear company vision. This creates a sense of purpose and direction for your employees, fostering loyalty and engagement.

Hack 2: Open Communication

Maintain open lines of communication. Regularly update your team on company goals and progress to keep them motivated and involved.

Hack 3: Leadership Training

Offer low-cost leadership training programs. Many online platforms provide affordable courses to develop leadership skills.

Hack 4: Lead by Example

Showcase leadership by setting examples. Demonstrate commitment, ethics, and hard work.

Hack 5: Empower Employees

Empower employees to make decisions. This builds trust and encourages a proactive work environment.

Culture and Engagement

Hack 6: Recognise Achievements

Implement a recognition program to celebrate achievements. Simple gestures like shout-outs in meetings can boost morale.

Hack 7: Flexible Work Arrangements

Offer flexible work hours or remote working options to improve work-life balance.

Hack 8: Team Building Activities

Organise low-cost team-building activities such as scavenger hunts, master chef cook-off or game nights.

Hack 9: Employee Surveys

Conduct regular employee surveys to gauge satisfaction and gather feedback for improvements.

Hack 10: Foster Inclusivity

Create an inclusive workplace culture where diversity is valued and respected.

Talent Attraction

Hack 11: Optimise Job Descriptions

Write clear and compelling job descriptions to attract the right candidates.

Hack 12: Leverage Social Media

Use social media platforms to post job openings and highlight your company culture.

Hack 13: Employee Referrals

Encourage employee referrals by offering small incentives for successful hires.

Hack 14: Internship Programs

Implement internship programs to bring in fresh talent and potential future employees.

Hack 15: Attend Job Fairs

Participate in local job fairs to connect with potential candidates.

Talent Development

Hack 16: In-House Training

Develop in-house training programs tailored to your company’s needs.

Hack 17: Online Learning

Utilise free or low-cost online learning platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning.

Hack 18: Cross-Training

Encourage cross-training to enhance skills and flexibility within your team.

Hack 19: Mentorship Programs

Establish buddy and mentorship programs to support employee development.

Hack 20: Lunch and Learn

Host short lunch and learn sessions where employees can share knowledge on various topics.

Performance Management

Hack 21: Clear Expectations

Set clear performance expectations and goals for your employees.

Hack 22: Regular Feedback

Provide regular feedback to guide and improve performance.

Hack 23: Performance Reviews

Conduct periodic performance reviews to assess and reward employee contributions.

Hack 24: SMART Goals

Encourage the use of SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals.

Hack 25: Peer Reviews

Implement peer reviews to gain additional insights into employee performance.

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